My 70th birthday in support of Casa Ioana's family refuge


Ian Tilling Asociația Casa Ioana

61.05% Complete
6,105 RON
Sumă strânsă
10,000 RON
Vreau să fac o donaţie!

On the 5th September, I celebrate my 70th birthday. Twenty-five years ago, I founded Casa Ioana, a charity that today supports women and children experiencing domestic abuse and family homelesness. It does that by providing temporary accommodation and comprehensive psychosocial support that empowers vulnerable women to take back control and make positive move on with their lives. Needless to say, Casa Ioana remains a very big part of my life. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has made traditional fundraising difficult, particularly as we receive no state funding and rely solely on companies and individuals to fund our life changing and life saving work. 

Whether you know me or not, please help me celebrate my birthday in a meaningful way by making a donation to Casa Ioana. Any amount you give will be most welcome, but for just 20 euro you could provide a safe place for a family you'll never meet, in a place hopefully, you'll never need.

Thank you for making my birthday an even more significant one!

Recomandă-le prietenilor această campanie.

în beneficiul

In 1997, Casa Ioana opened the country’s first night shelter, for people who had lost their homes, following a request by the Mayor of Bucharest. Since 2000 however, we have focused our attention on providing temporary accommodation and professional psychosocial support to women and children experiencing domestic violence and family homelessness.


New Beginning

Our ‘New Beginning’ project aims to empower survivors of domestic abuse by ensuring that they have the tools they need to leave an abusive relationship and to move on with their lives. 

Vine ziua ta. Este momentul în care ești în centrul atenției prietenilor, cunoscuților, familiei. Toata lumea te întreabă ce iți dorești să primești cadou, dar tu știi că ai tot ce îți trebuie și că nu îți dorești decât să fii aproape de cei dragi și să împarți cu ei bucuria și voia bună. Și, când se întâmplă așa, îți dai seama că acesta este, poate, cel mai fr


21 Donații

24 Sep 2020

Linda MacLachlan

150 RON
I am in awe of all you do Ian. Happy Belated Birthday! xxx
22 Sep 2020
150 RON
More energy and inspiration to go on fighting for good causes!
20 Sep 2020
happy belated birthday Ian! :)
19 Sep 2020
19 Sep 2020
La mulți ani
19 Sep 2020
Thank you for the great work you are doing! Wish I could help with more :(
19 Sep 2020

chris ludford

300 RON
A small gift for all the wonderful work you have done Ian. happy birthday mate.
19 Sep 2020

jim Dorschner

300 RON
Keep up the good work!
18 Sep 2020
Happy Birthday to me! :)
10 Sep 2020
Happy birthday, Ian - keep doing what you're doing so well! John x
09 Sep 2020
A donation made to an incredible organisation in celebration of the birthday of a incredible man. Happy birthday Ian.
07 Sep 2020

Sarah & Matteo Lamaro

300 RON
Happy Very Special Birthday Ian! You’ve changed so many peoples’ lives, Casa Ioana has a special place in our hearts! X
07 Sep 2020
You do great work, Emma
06 Sep 2020
La multi ani, Ian! I hope Casa Ioana continues to do the same fantastic work for so many families.
06 Sep 2020
Happy Birthday, Ian. Thank you for dedicating your life to helping those in need. You a noble man and I am grateful for our new friendship.
06 Sep 2020


505 RON
La mulți ani!
06 Sep 2020
Happy Birthday, Ian, and thank you for all you are doing to help romanian communities!
05 Sep 2020
Happy birthday Pops!
05 Sep 2020
300 RON
Solid, trusted, sustainable association, bringing hope and joy to women and children that need a safe home
05 Sep 2020

doina skinnerup

300 RON
05 Sep 2020
Ian Tilling : Asociația Casa Ioana
My 70th birthday in support of Casa Ioana's family refuge